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The Confraternity St James of South Africa (CSJOFSA)

Who Are We?

We are a Public Benefit Organization (incorporated not for financial gain). Our main aim is to assist prospective pilgrims from South Africa, who plan to walk any of the medieval pilgrim routes in Europe, known as the “Camino de Santiago”. One of the key documents which we issue is the “Pilgrim Record”, also known as the Pilgrim Passport or the Credencial.
The Confraternity was founded in 2001/2002 and was formally registered as a Public Benefit Organization in 2006.
On 31 December 2015 our membership stood at over 1000.


What does the Confraternity of St James (CSJOFSA) do?

The Confraternity of St James Mission is …

  • To provide information to prospective South African pilgrims who wish to walk any of the pilgrimage routes (in Spain, France and the other European countries where these routes exist) known as the “Camino de Santiago”.
  • To support and assist prospective pilgrims.
  • To encourage the true spirit of pilgrimage in those walking the Camino.
  • To maintain a register of South Africans who have walked or cycled any part of the Camino pilgrimage routes.
  • To network with South Africans in various centres that can provide information and to put them in touch with prospective pilgrims who need assistance.
  • To organize social gatherings in regional context on a regular basis.
  • To develop support materials and documentation as required by the members.
  • To provide links and references to other websites and reading matter relating to the routes.
  • To liaise with and support other Camino organisations, wherever they may exist.


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The Confraternity of St James (CSJOFSA) Organisational Structure

  • The CSJofSA is organized on a National basis
  • The Executive Committee and Administrative headquarters is situated in Cape Town
  • Regional Representatives coordinate activities in Gauteng, Eastern Cape, Southern Cape, Northern Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal
  • Sub Committees and Working Groups are established on an ad hoc basis.




The consul General of SpainJesús Silva 

The Honourable,  Jesús Silva is the Patron of the Confraternity of St. James of South Africa